Monday, November 12, 2007

First United Methodist Church of Glendale

134 N Kenwood St, Glendale, CA 91206
(Kenwood and Broadway)
(818) 243-2105

We went to the Traditional Service, which meets at 10.45 am in the main church building. The building itself is a large building with a 60's Anglican styling, and the parking lot is behind the building, further north along Kenwood.

When we attended there were approx. 30 other people in the service, mostly older people. There were a few children who left mid-way through the service, after a "Children's time". Our son stayed with us, so we can't comment on the children's Sunday School.

The service itself was traditional Methodist, with hymns and liturgy. It was led by Pastor Rich Garner, and his assistant (a children's minister?). I don't remember the style of the sermon particularly, but I do remember most of it was about the book "To kill a mockingbird" and not very Bible-based.

There were good snacks after the service, made by the congregation, and people in general were very friendly. We were easily recognised as visitors because we were so young in amongst a congregation aged 50+, but we weren't inundated with greetings.

This church also has a Contemporary Service at 9.15 am which may have a younger demographic, but we haven't visited it at the time of writing.

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