Tuesday, November 20, 2007

First Baptist Church of Glendale

209 N Louise St, Glendale, CA 91206
(Louise and Wilson)
(818) 242-2113

This church sits on the northwest corner of the intersection of Wilson and Louise. It's an impressive-looking church building with a tower which was undergoing some repainting when we visited it. The parking lot we found was fairly small, and located a little further north on Louise, although there is a big parking lot on the south side of Wilson, which might have free parking for the church.

We were greeted warmly upon entrance to the service at 11 am by Pastor Charlie. He took us into the sanctuary, and gave us a little rundown of what was going on at the church. Apparently, it's a "re-start", with a new pastoral team and a congregation which is growing week by week. He informed us that this re-start had had eight weeks now, and that in the last couple of weeks the congregation had grown from the upper thirties to the upper fifties. And it looked like there were fifty or so people when we were there, of a range of ages, although no small children.

The service was led by Pastor Frank and a relative newcomer to the church, a student at Fuller Seminary. The style was fairly relaxed, as if Pastor Frank were just conversing with his audience. The music was provided by an organist and a small choir of 5, and comprised mostly of hymns. There was a little bit of liturgy. Pastor Charlie gave the sermon, and although it lacked a little bit of punch, and didn't seem to relate to the previous two Bible readings (he read his own verses at the start of the sermon), it was good and solid.

A good thing about this church was the selection of Bibles in the pews. There were four different translations, including the Good News Bible. There wasn't any provision for children during the service, and there was no time of fellowship after the service, but I think those things will come when the church becomes more established. Pastor Charlie was very eager to have us come back, to help his church grow, and he followed up our visit with a phone call the next day.

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